Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Cultural Village Festival

Cultures from all over the world were held together in one place, can you believe it?? The Ahliyyah School for girls and the Bishop’s School for Boys organized a Cultural Village Festival on the 8th of March. This is a festival that showed traditions of many different civilizations, starting from Jordan to Germany. Many different private schools participated in the festival, where each one represented a country’s culture through traditional costume, traditional foods, folk art/literature, media …etc. This event had magic shows, puppet shows, songs, dances, lottery tickets sold and prizes given to the winners, and more. It included a range of stations, like handicrafts, food stations, theatre, bazaar, and children’s area. The festival also had a camel hidden behind one of the Arabian tents, which you could ride on, I wonder where that got it from?? You don't usually find camels wandering around Amman. At around 2:30 P.M it rained very heavily for about a few minutes and it was freezing so everyone cleared to the tents and the yard was almost empty. And many dancers were very worried that they wouldn’t have a chance to perform because of the rain. However, before we knew it the sun shone and dried up the rain and everyone came back out. The Ahliyyah School for Girls participated in the dabkeh dances, which represented the Lebanese and Iraq cultures. And two talented girls from our school also participated in the show. Lujain Al-Majali played Spanish music and Rand Farmawi sang. Our school also represented the Circassian culture by dancing and playing its music. The festival encouraged group work and team spirit between students and schools. In addition, it was like bringing world cultures together
Written By: Zein Alami, 7  
and Lara Nassar, 7

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece Zein & Lara, I had to miss it and it gave me a nice impression of the festival!

    Mrs Vivian
